Rosie Stewart: Cooke 43 Banbridge 5

We caught up with the Rosie Stewart Bowl Challenge Match between Cooke and Banbridge women’s teams at Shaws Bridge on Sunday.

Banbridge put up a strong defensive performance in the opening twenty minutes until a looping run from Cooke’s Katie Gilmour found space out on the left for Gilmour to beat the last defenders for the opening score. Amanda Morton added the extras to give Cooke a 7 – 0 lead.

Katie Gilmore picked up a hat-trick for Cooke in the Rosie Stewart match against Banbridge.

Georgia Boyce stretched for the line for Cooke’s second try 10 minutes later to be quickly followed by a break from deep Ali McIlwaine who added their third with a “spectacular” dive over the line. Morton converted both to give Cooke a 21 – 0 lead.

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