Junior Shield: Sullivan Upper 0 (3) Lurgan Junior High 0 (2) AR Final

We caught up with the Ulster Hockey Schoolgirls Junior Shield Final between Sullivan Upper and Lurgan Junior High School on Wednesday afternoon at Stormont.

Lurgan got off to a fast start with Maddie Magee and Kacey Dillion pushing forward in the first quarter.

Lurgan’s Maddie Magee kept the Sullivan defence busy in the first quarter.

However Sullivan worked their way into the game and by the time the teams changed ends at half time the Holywood school were starting to dominate territory and possession.

Lurgan’s Lydia Neill and Sullivan’s Sarah Burns had a few tussles.

Sullivan’s Sarah Burns, and Isla Wiltshire worked hard down both flanks in the second half and Lydia Sloan . . .

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