Gibson Plate: Regent House School 1 Sullivan Upper School 4 Final

On Tuesday afternoon, in the early game, there was a north Down derby when Regent House School met Sullivan Upper School in the Gibson Plate Final.

Sullivan settled quickly and hit Regent cold. They took the lead within 90 seconds, when Chloe McDowell converted a penalty corner for 1-0.

Sullivan celebrate Sophie McFarlane’s goal

Worse was to follow for Regent. On 4 minutes Sophie McFarlane fired home a goal from open play to put Sullivan 2-0 up.

Regent regrouped, and though Sullivan controlled the rest of the quarter, began to put passes together.

Sullivan led 2-0 at the end of the 1st quarter.

Early in the 2nd quarter Sullivan struck again, through a Hannah Hayes goal on 15 minutes to put Sullivan 3-0 up.

Regent heads could have gone down, but they battled on forcing penalty corners and creating chances. Sullivan led 3-0 . . .

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