Senior Friendly: Royal Belfast Academical Institution 33 Sullivan Upper 7

We were supposed to pick up the Medallion teams in this fixture but we sent our photographer to the wrong school!

In a freezing, windy Osborne Park, RBAI hosted Sullivan Upper School in a Senior Friendly.

The home side looked the much brighter from the start and it didn’t take long before No 11, Andrew Purcell crossed over in the corner to open the scoring with an unconverted try for a 5 – 0 lead.

Andrew Purcell crossed for two early tries for Inst.

Inst were controlling the game now and another cross field break by Purcell saw him run in on the opposite corner for his second score, this time converted by No 10, Charlie O’Connor to push it along to 12 – 0.

The forwards were not to be left out with a great ruck going over the line with No 2, George Craigan dropping on the ball. O’Connor . . .

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