Championship 1: Cooke 10 Randalstown 5.

We caught up with the Championship 1 fixture between Cooke and Randalstown at Shaw’s Bridge on Saturday afternoon.

We almost had four seasons in one day here at Shaw’s Bridge with wind, rain, driving hailstones and then brilliant sunshine to contend with.

Both teams were pretty evenly matched but a bit of indiscipline by the visitors saw No 15, Andy McMurray open the scoring with a well taken penalty to give Cooke a 3 – 0 lead.

Andy McMurray kicked an early penalty for Cooke.

The play went back and forward with Town’s pack giving a good account of themselves in both scrum and ruck. They went close a few times but a strong defence by Cooke kept them at bay.

It was the home side who increased their lead when No 10, Andy Hannah burst through the middle to make McMurray’s . . .

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