Women’s Premiership: Queens 1 Lisnagarvey 0

On Saturday lunchtime Queens faced Lisnagarvey, in a Women’s Premiership League fixture, at The Dub.

Queen dominated a scoreless 1st quarter but were unable to convert any chances. The Garvey forwards were well contained by the Queens defence.

Mimi Bradley scored the game’s solitary goal

Just as it looked like the 2nd quarter would remain scoreless, Mimi Bradley poached Katie Kimber’s shot from a penalty corner, directing it into the goal, to give Queens a 1 – 0 halftime lead.

The teams battled out a tight second half.

The 2nd half was scoreless but didn’t lack excitement as both sets of forwards created chances. However, the defences remained resolute and with no further score the match ended . . .

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