Schools Hockey: Carrick Grammar “Old Girls” Challenge.


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I caught up with the Carrickfergus Grammar “Old Girls” Hockey Tournament on Thursday evening. The tournament featured past players from the last 24 years and their current 1st XI in a three match series.

As well as the 1st XI, two teams were made from players from 2000 – 2010 and from 2011-2023 with the 1st XI playing both before the Old Girls and Not So Old Girls teams played each other.


Match 1CGS 1st XI00Old Girls 2000-10
Match 2CGS 1st XI00Not So Old Girls 2011-23
Match 3Old Girls 2000-1002Not So Old Girls 2011-23

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t kind and the matches were played in wet and windy conditions which limited where we could take pictures from.

The matches were played over 25 minutes each and the first two were close affairs with the best chance falling to the Old Girls keeper who found themselves on the edge of the opponents D in a last play penalty corner.

After two entertaining draws the final game was a tournament decider between the Old Girls and the Not So Old Girls with the Not so Old Girls taking the honours after a 2 – 0 win with Chloe Stewart amongst the scorers.

Chloe Stewart in action in the Carrickfergus Grammar Old Girls Hockey Challenge Series on a damp Thursday evening at the grammar school.

We covered the first two games and you can view the action below in the match galleries.

Match Galleries

Match 1: CGS 1st XI 0 – 0 CGS Old Girls

Match 2: CGS 1st XI 0 – 0 CGS Not So Old Girls

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