Medallion Shield: Methodist College 5 Royal Belfast Academical Institution 41

On a dank, overcast Saturday morning, Methodist College played Royal Belfast Academical Institution, at Pirrie Park, in a quarter final tie of the Medallion Shield. A very strong wind blew straight down the pitch, threatening to dominate proceedings.

Initial play was even, but Inst, playing against the wind, gradually turned the screw, denying Methody possession in the Inst half and with ‘pick and goes’ and driving mauls, gained a foothold in the Methody ‘22’.

Methody had limited possession in the Inst half

Inst struck in the 15th minute, when Zak Molyneaux, drove over from close range for the opening try, under the posts.

James Kerr’s try 4 minutes later, converted by Charlie Gray took Inst out to a 12-0 lead . . .

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