Club Women: City of Derry look forward to Community Series.

We caught up with City of Derry Women last week to find out how their preparations are going ahead of their participation in the upcoming Community Series.

Find out more about the Community Series here.

Club Captain Joanna Ha’unga is looking forward to competing in the Ulster Conference of the Community Series in the coming months, as rugby looks to get back on track after the abrupt ending to last season.

Ha’unga is particularly relishing the matches against Queen’s University and Co Cavan after some unfinished business from last season.

City of Derry find themselves in the unusual position of being coached by a player from a “rival” side for this competition.

FRU stalwart and Cooke player has been helping out with coaching at her home club for a few season’s now, but with City of Derry, along with Queen’s and Cavan, bumped up a division for the Community Series, Cregan finds this head to head between her two teams happening earlier than anticipated.

It was great to catch up with City of Derry’s , a player we have long admired on the Front Row Union. The hard hitting centre is now on the comeback trail after a series of injuries and, having got most of last season under her belt, she is looking forward to challenging herself against the All Ireland League sides in the conference matches.

We also caught up with Youth Section Coach and youth players Sarah and Molly and you can view their story below.

City of Derry Youth Section

Of course it wouldn’t be the FRU without some pictures from the night. You can view the players going through their paces under the guidance of coach Cregan below.

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